North Green regeneration project nears Completion
Square Works: Phase 1 of the Square Regeneration works are almost complete. It is envisaged that the project will reach completion in the coming weeks. Contractors are currently awaiting the arrival of the ESB to connect the new lighting systems which will greatly enhance the works already completed. DDF are delighted with the works which have been carried out by Laois Co. Council and V-Plant Contractors, both of whom have been a pleasure to work alongside. DDF are very proud of our achievement in getting these works done, which not only greatly enhance the town but also will protect the heritage of the square for generations to come.
Funding must now be secured for Phase 2 which will see the area around the smaller green upgraded. While Laois County Council very much want phase 2 to be completed as soon as possible, the funding is not available within the council. DDF are currently looking at other avenues of funding and have an appointment scheduled with the office of the Minister for the Environment later this month. Funding from the Leader programme through Laois Partnership is also an option, however this programme is not yet accepting applications.