Cúl Camps 2016
Kellogg’s GAA Cúl Camps provide boys and girls (between the ages of 6 and 13) with an action-packed and fun-filled week of activity which revolves around maximising enjoyment and sustaining participant involvement in Gaelic Games. Activities are game-based (a strong emphasis is placed on skill acquisition) and are organised in an age appropriate manner with a view to: optimising learning; enhancing friendships; improving physical & psychological well being; promoting school and club links. The Harps GAA are holding this year’s Cúl Camp from July 18th to July 22nd. Booking can be made online at www.kelloggsculcamps.gaa.ie or contact Ciaran Muldowney on (085) 8351131. A Hurley and Helmet for Hurling and Camogie will be required for this camp. See website for further information.