Early March 2017 Church News
Mass Readers Rota: Saturday Evenings: March 11th: Bernie Murphy; March 18th: Ann Vaugh; March 25th: Kay Sheppard. Sunday Mornings: March 12th: Kevin Kelly; March 19th and 26th: Bea Alley.
Eucharist Ministers Rota – March 2017: Saturdays – Miriam Connolly and Seamus Clancy; Sundays – Pat O’Hara and Donal Bowe.
Church Cleaning Rota – March 2017: Mary Kennedy, Mary Walsh, Gabriel Daz and Miriam and Pat Connolly.
Ossory Pilgrimage: The Ossory Pilgrimage to Lourdes will take place this year from May 22nd to May 27th inclusive. Price per person sharing is €775 which includes bus transport to and from the Airport. Bookings through the Glenmore Parish office: (051) 880414. Office hours Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday 9.30am to 1.30pm. Very Rev. Michael A. O’Connor P.P. will be the director of the pilgrimage.
Mission 2017: The Ballyraggett/Ballyouskill Parish Mission 2017 starts on Monday March 27th and finishes on Friday March 31st. The theme of the Mission is “Shining the Light”. People from surrounding parishes such as Durrow/Cullohill are most welcome to join the Mission. Morning Masses in St. Patrick’s Church Ballyragget are at 7am and 10am and evening the Mission will be at 7.30pm. In Ballyouskill there will be daily mass at 11.30am. The Themes are: Monday March 27th at 7.30pm “Community”; Tuesday March 28th at 7.30pm “Baptism”; Wednesday March 29th at 7.30pm “Family”; Thursday March 30th at 7.30pm “Healing-Reconciliation”; Friday March 31st at 7.30pm “Remembering the dead”
All are most welcome.
Service for Healing of the Generations: (Family Tree Mass) will be held in St. Brigid’s Church, Coon, Co. Kilkenny which will be led by Fr. John Delaney and Prayer Team. The Service commences with Adoration at 6.30pm followed by Holy Mass at 7.30pm on Wednesday, 15th of March concluding with Solemn Benediction.
KILKENNY GOSPEL CHOIR PERFORMANCE: The Parents Council of Cullohill NS are delighted to announce that the ‘Kilkenny Gospel Choir with Special Guests’ will perform in St. Tighearnach’s Church, Cullohill on Friday 31st March at 8pm. This event is a fundraiser for the Parent’s Council, the proceeds from which will be used to assist in the establishment of a Book Rental Scheme within the school. Tickets are priced at €10 and will be distributed through the school and also the Parents Council. Please contact Hanna for further information on (087) 8179497. We look forward to seeing you on the night!